• Film

    Barbie: Greta Gerwig Summits The Glass Cliff

    Barbie movie blue heart dress

    For many women, Barbie is little more than a symbol of misogyny and impossible beauty standards. An insidious reminder to little girls everywhere that their looks will always be more important than their intellect. 

    Director Greta Gerwig was given an almost impossible task in making this film – a glass cliff, as they call it in the corporate world. To rehabilitate Barbie’s image for a feminist audience, while acknowledging the doll’s problematic past. Yet she has negotiated this precarious tightrope without toppling over the edge, performing a feat almost unheard of – a billion dollar phenomenon that is also critically acclaimed.

    Barbie and Ken on a boat

    Selling Matriarchal Dreams 

    Barbie movie female president

    The film starts by showing life in Barbieland, where the dolls live alone in their own houses and hold all the top jobs in the land – President, Judge, Astronaut etc. Men, or Kens, live in this world of Barbies (but no one knows where) and hold no power professionally or domestically. 

    Anyone who has played with Barbies knows there is rarely a Ken on the scene, and very few girls would even own a Ken doll. For many years, Mattel attested that their relationship was purely platonic, too. His superfluity is a running joke, hence the film’s tagline ‘Barbie is everything, he’s just Ken.’

    Barbie movie pink car

    We start to see that in a way, Barbie is a feminist icon. She can have any career she wants, and gets to the top. She has no domestic responsibilities for children or men. Female friendship and community are her main focus, while Kens are an afterthought left on the sidelines. 

    Barbie movie flat feet

    Who Runs The World?

    Barbie movie doll range

    You might almost find yourself thinking – a world run by one gender, what a crazy idea! But Gerwig says wake up sheeple, this is already happening. Disturbed by sudden thoughts of death and cellulite, Barbie accidentally triggers a portal into the ‘real world’. Barbie (and Ken) discover the Patriarchy, where men have all the top jobs and hold all the power. Sadly, the dreams Barbie sold to us were never real. Even Barbie’s parent company Mattel has only had three female CEOs in its nearly 80-year history – perhaps they faced glass cliffs of their own?

    As Barbie looks for the source of her discontent, a high schooler tells her that she has achieved nothing for women today and even held the feminist movement back.

    ‘Men hate women and women hate women – it’s the one thing we can all agree on.’ 

    While Barbie is horrified, Ken can’t wait to bring Patriarchy to Barbieland and quickly gets to work reversing the world order.  Barbie’s Dream House is now Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa House, a Western style saloon crossed with a children’s gaming arcade. Horses are everywhere too, as simple-minded Ken is endearingly confused about their role in the patriarchal system. 

    What Was She Made For?

    Barbie movie mirror

    So far the film has exceeded expectations in its subversive questioning of the misogyny Barbie has come to represent. Gerwig struggles to deliver a satisfying ending however, leaving us with some mixed messages.

    Barbie has reclaimed Barbieland, telling Ken that he needs to focus on himself (because she doesn’t need him financially or emotionally). But for some inexplicable reason, Barbie then decides she wants to leave Barbieland to be a real woman in the real world. 

    In a somewhat drawn out epiphany scene, a dreamy montage shows what seems to be a romanticised mother-daughter relationship. Billie Eilish’s haunting What Was I Made For? swells in the background. Then in the last scene, Barbie arrives back in the real world, and her first order of business is.. a trip to the gynaecologist. 

    For all her career aspirations, rejection of men and domestic servitude, is Barbie’s final goal actually motherhood? Maybe that’s the joke. After all, it’s the one job she hasn’t tried yet. 

    Barbie movie bon voyage sign
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  • Games

    Resident Evil Village: Death Cults And Pandemic Paranoia

    Resident Evil Village Goat

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  • Art & Design

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    Hope Project sea nativity

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  • Film

    Going Back to Ghost World

    Ghost World comic

    I liked her so much better when she was an alcoholic crack addict. She gets in one car wreck and all of a sudden she’s Little Miss Perfect and everyone loves her.

    Enid Coleslaw, Ghost World

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  • TV

    Russian Doll: Inside the Mind Behind the Mystery

    Natasha Lyonne Russian Doll

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    Friedrich Nietzsche

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  • Film

    Men: Alex Garland Takes a Shot at the Patriarchy

    Men Alex Garland film

    Can’t live with them, can’t live without them?

    Between March 2021 and March 2022, 198 women were killed in the UK. Ninety-five percent of the suspects charged were male. In his latest film, Alex Garland explores the horror of misogyny, in a quintessentially English setting. Jessie Buckley plays Harper, a woman who sees the gruesome aftermath of her husband’s suicide after she suggests they divorce. Escaping to a manor house in the countryside, she experiences a sort of purgatory where all of the residents are men and their abusive behaviour escalates from unsettling to threatening and finally, violent.

  • Film

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    Lamb A24

    Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

    Gospel of John

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  • TV

    Quelle Surprise! Emily in Paris is Quite… Good???

    Emily in Paris season 3

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    It’s cheesy, camp, and the definition of light entertainment, but it’s knowingly so, wincing along with us at the world of vacuous social media influencers and the materialistic lives they pursue.

    Paris is the real star of the show though and it’s worth watching for this alone. It’s beautifully made with lots of external shots featuring the spots we all know and love.

  • Film

    Are We the Bad Guys? Alex Garland Takes Eco Horror In a New Direction with Annihilation

    Annihilation film by Alex Garland

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  • Lifestyle

    Falling in Love with Autumn, Again!

    John Keats composed ‘To Autumn‘ on September 19th 1819, after a walk near Winchester one evening. In a letter to his friend John Hamilton Reynolds written a couple of days later, he described the impression the scene had made on him: “How beautiful the season is now – How fine the air.”


    Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

    Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
    Conspiring with him how to load and bless
    With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
    To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
    And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
    To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
    With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
    And still more, later flowers for the bees,
    Until they think warm days will never cease…


    Tragically, this meditation on the transience of life was his last major work before he died at just 25. It’s still one of the most iconic poems ever written about the season.